Impact of Research Bullying on Research Integrity: Causes of ill Research and Production of ill Researchers at University Level


  • Dr. Samra Afzal Assistant Professor, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Shazia Zamir Assistant Professor, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Asghar Ali Assistant Professor, Women University of AJ&K, Bagh


Research Bullying, Research Integrity, ill Research, ill Researchers


Present research explored bullying in research academic, its impact on research integrity and production of ill researchers and ill research. A qualitative research paradigm with an inductive approach was followed. The reflexive thematic analysis was conducted based on framework given by Braun and Clark (2006). A total of 20 participants were selected, 10 of whom were research supervisors and 10 were supervisees through purposive sampling technique. Results showed that bullying in research academic occurs in forms of conflict of interest, disrespect of supervisee and supervision, distributive injustice, ethical silences, fear of retribution, social injustice, biased behavior, ethical temptations and influencing policies negatively.  Causes of compromised research integrity and quality are bullying and research quality, lack of training, external pressures, ethical leadership, power dynamics, quality vs quantity, lack of autonomy, and ethical dilemmas. Furthermore, causes of production of ill research are poorly designed research, ethical violations, lack of ethical considerations, lack of objectivity and bias, time constraints, lack of practical implications and societal needs. Results also revealed that causes of production of ill researchers are research slaves, irresponsible attitude towards research, dishonest conduct, lack of teamwork, disregard for ethical standards, rigid behavior and focus on quantity. Research implications include desirable research practices, international collaboration, mentoring, support for publication and publication interventions.




How to Cite

Dr. Samra Afzal, Dr. Shazia Zamir, & Dr. Muhammad Asghar Ali. (2025). Impact of Research Bullying on Research Integrity: Causes of ill Research and Production of ill Researchers at University Level. International Journal of Politics & Social Sciences Review (IJPSSR), 4(I), 221–234. Retrieved from