The Cognitive Impact of Surah Ar-Rahman: An Experimental Study on the Enhancement of Working Memory


  • Ather Mujitaba Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Gift University Gujranwala
  • Mahrosh Tahir Department of Psychology, Gift University Gujranwala
  • Malika Imran Department of Psychology, Gift University Gujranwala
  • Sara Saeed Department of Psychology, Gift University Gujranwala
  • Fiza Afnan Department of Psychology, Gift University Gujranwala


Working Memory, Surah Rahman, University Students, Experimental Study


Previous studies on Surah Ar-Rehman have shown its promising effects in reducing stress, and anxiety, which are known to improve cognitive functioning, particularly working memory. However, there is lacking empirical studies that have investigated the causal association between listening to Surah Ar-Rahman's recitation and working memory. Therefore, the current study aimed to address this knowledge gap by examining the influence of Surah Ar-Rahman on working memory using a pretest-posttest true experimental design. A total of 50 university students were conveniently recruited and randomly assigned to either the experimental group (Surah Ar-Rahman) or the control group (no-task condition). Participants in both groups completed N-back working memory tasks (alphabet and shapes) before and after the assigned condition. The experimental group was exposed to a 5-minute recitation audio of Surah Ar-Rahman in the voice of Syed Sadaqat Ali. In contrast, the control group was supposed to perform no tasks during the 5-minute duration. Results showed that the Surah Ar-Rahman group demonstrated significant improvement in working memory performance, with better scores on both the alphabet and shapes N-back tasks, compared to their pre-test results. Moreover, between-group comparisons revealed that participants in the Surah Ar-Rahman group had more correct responses and fewer errors than those in the control group. These findings suggest that listening to Surah Ar-Rahman may enhance working memory. However, further research is needed to confirm these results and explore their broader implications.




How to Cite

Ather Mujitaba, Mahrosh Tahir, Malika Imran, Sara Saeed, & Fiza Afnan. (2024). The Cognitive Impact of Surah Ar-Rahman: An Experimental Study on the Enhancement of Working Memory. International Journal of Politics & Social Sciences Review (IJPSSR), 3(III), 360–371. Retrieved from